Web series

Discover the world of our heroine, CĂ©cile, a household assistant, and help her make the right choices!

Granny Smith

Granny Smith is overjoyed to have a household assistant because she doesn't see many people during the week. For her, the most important thing is that the housework gets done, but above all she's delighted to welcome her and have a chat over a nice cup of coffee!

Episode 1

First Customer

Granny Smith is CĂ©cile’s first customer. Will she manage to get organized?

Episode 2

A difficult day

Granny Smith doesn't seem to be in the mood today... How do you deal with this kind of situation and her unexpected requests?

Episode 3

Work outside the home

CĂ©cile has been asked to do the shopping and walk Granny Smith’s dog. Is she supposed to do that?

The single man

Godfried Goossens, 41, a confirmed bachelor, works from home and doesn't do much housework! He really needs CĂ©cile to help him and is hoping her domestic skills will bring a bit of organisation and advice ;-) It's a real challenge!

Episode 1

A quick cigarette?

CĂ©cile finds herself with a shy customer who smokes. How should she react?

Episode 2


Delays and other delicate situations put CĂ©cile's professionalism to the test. Will she cope?

Episode 3

An average day

There is a good working relationship between CĂ©cile and the single guy: it’s all about hitting the right note.

The family

The Maes family have two children, a dog and a cat. The house is often a mess, it's clear there's work to be done! CĂ©cile is alone at work and has to be properly organized! But when Mrs Maes returns, she exclaims, "Wow, how clean" and says to CĂ©cile, "Thank you, what would I do without you?" Nice, isn't it?

Episode 1

The whole house is messy

CĂ©cile has to deal with a family who don’t tidy up much, to say the least. How is she going to get herself out of this chaos?

Episode 2

A really sweet drawing

The little girl has drawn a lovely picture... on the window. How should CĂ©cile react?

Episode 3

A really tidy home

With a heavy workload, how will CĂ©cile manage the situation?